1998-2003 > Dancing on the Rope

painted wood, blue denim fabric
88 x 35 x 115 inches (rope dimensions variable)
Albi Art Center, France

Dancing on the Rope
painted wood, blue denim fabric
Dancing on the Rope
painted wood, blue denim fabric
Little Nemo with Fingerprint Ghosts
ink, charcoal, pastel, and crayon
56 x 77 centimeters
Little Nemo as a Transitional Object
charcoal, pastel, and acrylic
56 x 77 centimeters

In Dancing on the Rope, the bed's legs, dressed in blue-jean trousers, walk in opposite directions giving the meaning of two people tied together dancing, or playing. The bed was installed on a rope which crossed the whole exhibition room in diagonal.

Collection of the artist

Michel Gérard: L’enfance de l’art, Galerie des Pochettes et MAMAC, Nice (2008): p. 6
Michel Gérard: Signature Transformations 2009–1972, Christian Pirot (2009): p. 80